Selasa, 30 April 2013

Love Quotes Pictures

Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Is there any meaning for love other than just being verb or action? The word love is just like the word life. It has different meanings but many people see it as one. I love reading life quotes and love quotes. Most love quotes I found expresses love in different way but it is the same thing.

Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love quotes can be beneficial to us just like the life quotes are. Studying only life quotes will not give all the wisdom we want to make good life. Love is necessary to make good life. To make good life, we must love life and every beauty we have in our life including relationships. There is saying which said we get back in life what we give. So, if we give love, we will get love back. It is just matter of right way of giving and taking.

Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
People share life quotes and love quotes on the internet. They are no longer expressed in plain words or conversation. You can search on Google Images and you will find beautiful photos or graphics which has famous sayings beautifully added into them. Those pictures are shared across the internet. Someone, in some part of the world will get inspired by the quotes on the picture.

Love Quotes Wallpapers With Definition

Love Quotes
Love Quotes
A lot of time, soft words of love can easily melt the toughest heart and make you a romantic if you are not one. Not only that, your relationships would surely spice up with a few quotes on love. It is said that love can make a poet of you. However, it is quite possible that you may be in love and yet not able to write any love poetry. If you do wish to be able to write something beautiful, love quotes could certainly be a good source of inspiration. Symphony of Love would give you your heart's fill of some of the most romantic thoughts and words.
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes can help in the Revival of your Love Life
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Some love quotes have become great because they have infused and inspired the feelings of love in many people. Love quotes are sure to stir up not only love and romance in your heart but also in the hearts of those you love. As what Leo Buscaglia said, "Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover for life." Certain love quotes that we come across in a song, book, or movie have also change our attitude towards love and many of these love quotes have become universally accepted truths and common thoughts or ideas.
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes are the Wisdom of others
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love quotes are the insights of people, who like us, have learnt through their experience. Some of these love quotes are universally applicable precious words of wisdom from which lessons can be learnt. And we can continue to share this wisdom from love quotes with people around us so that they can benefit from love quotes too. Just as what Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things; only small things with great love."
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes can make expressing the feeling of Love easier
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Some said, "It is easy to fall in love." However, a lot of us would find expressing the feeling of love a whole lot more challenging than being in love. Are you one of those who experience the challenge too? Love quote makes it a whole lot easier for you to express the feeling of love. Love quotes inspire you to write something beautiful to express the feeling of love. One of the ways to express love is to write a love letter. If you are the creative and poetic type, then writing a love letter is probably effortless. However, if you are ordinary people like me who wants to pen a few lines for our beloved, then love quotes could be of much help. Love quotes help you to rise up to the occasion and fulfill the need of the hour especially when your mind failed to come up with words. One of a few good quotes is, "Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, and then you must forget the rules and play from your heart."
Love Quotes can bring lovers closer
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. This is probably why lovers who are apart spend most of their time thinking about each other. If you are living away from your beloved, then love quotes bring both of you closer at heart. As what Francois de La Rouchefoucauld said, "Absence diminishes small love and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire."
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love Quotes can bring a smile to your beloved
Love quotes can definitely bring a smile to the face of your family and friends. A few of the sweet and romantic love quotes are by John Clare, "I never saw so sweet a face. As that I stood before.
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
My heart has left it dwelling place and can return no more." by Bill Wilson, "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." and by Alfred Lord Tennyson, "If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever." Use these love quotes to bring a smile to your love ones. You might be surprise too by the effect of these sweet love quotes.

Love Quotes can make Marriage Bliss
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Most people would do good with a good love quotes at one time or another especially when they are talking to their loved ones. A good love quote uses at the right time can certainly improve the relationship with your beloved. Love quotes are words of wisdom in relationship. A few very good love quotes about marriage and relationship are by Benjamin Franklin, "Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, and half shut afterwards.", by Theodore M. Hesburgh, "Love isn't blind; it just only sees what matters." and by Donald Laird, "To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart."

Love Quotes can heal a broken heart
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love quotes have a special 'healing' power for people. Julie Marie said, "Love is the best medicine, and there is more than enough to go around once you open your heart." And Helen Keller said, "When one door of happiness closes, another opens: but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which had been opened for us."

Love Quotes can inspire you to live better life
Love Quotes
Love Quotes
Love quotes are an inspirational source that drives us forward in our life, helping us to stay afloat in rough seas and giving us the courage to pull through difficult times. A few of the inspirational love quotes which I like are: "In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities" by Janos Arnay, "Where there is love, there is life." by Mahatma Gandhi, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." by Lao Tzu and "Who so loves believes the impossible." by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Love Hurt

This morning I woke up thinking of my ex fiancee. As the warm waters of my morning shower washed over me, I contemplated our transgressions and what was the difference between the happy relationship I have now, and the tumultuous one we had together. Don't get me wrong, she's a great woman, and we shared the best of times and the worst of times. In the end, things mattered so much, and cut so deep, because we loved so much.

In the process of "finding love," we must learn to love and be loved. There are different types of love obviously, like that of a parent or friend. Often, it's the ones we hold above all others that our "love" neglects the most due to our insecurities, fear, and inability to communicate effectively.

When my relationship ended, I took the time to reflect on my own actions and feelings. In the heat of the moment, we may say things we regret. I certainly did, yet, at the time I felt justified in my comments. Through careful and objective reflection, I came to understand that things bothered me in a way with her, more than anyone else because I cared so deeply.

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Love Hurt

Not saying our union was perfect, nor ultimately that it would work, but I think we both put ourselves through a lot of personal grief because we knew that we weren't meant for each other, even though we loved each other greatly. That's what hurt so much. To look into someone's eyes and love deeply, yet feel so detached is a very painful experience to endure.

That being said, and finding wisdom in all things, there are lessons to learn from deep painful love. I never look back with regret, because we cannot change yesterday. We've set each other free to find the true happiness we were destined to live, which is the greatest act of love and kindness two people can give. In honor of that experience, I try to live my life now by the lessons learned by it that has taught me more about myself and what will truly make me happy in life.

Sometimes love is not meant to last forever, and your partner isn't your possession. During your break up remember to criticize yourself first. It takes two to tango. It also takes two to argue. Remind yourself that it is alright not to be the same, and that people do grow apart. Stop comparing yourself to them and their ideals. Think about your happiness.

Lastly, walk away re-defining what it is that you truly want. Strip away all the good things from the bad and focus on those things you want in a partner. Recognize those things in people you don't like, or that rile you and irritate you and avoid them. Look for a partner who possesses those traits that will strengthen your bonds, instead of driving wedges between the happiness in your mind, and the reality you love.

People say and do things because love makes them care so deeply that they almost become intoxicated and delirious by it. And that isn't a pleasant sight. There are times when love is supposed to hurt. It pulls on your tenterhooks because it touches each of us so deeply and completely. Learn from those feelings so when you fall in love again, you can love with open arms and heart, and a mind free from those insidious thoughts that sabotage your happiness.

Valentine Love

Valentine's are a special way of showing love to loved ones around the world and Cupid is the little guy with the arrows of "love". As an ambassador of love he can be found in every country and every town. He is especially important in Loveland, Colorado.

Cupid has already arrived in Loveland to meet with the volunteers of the worldwide Loveland Valentine Re-Mailing Program. The valentines will come from all 50 states and over 100 foreign countries including Brazil, Kenya, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan, Russia, Vietnam and Yugoslavia. Large numbers of valentines come from Canada, Great Britain, Japan and Australia each year to be re-mailed. Valentine's Day in Loveland, Colorado is a day of loving fulfillment for the citizens of this small town in northern Colorado.

The re-mailing program was started in 1947 by Ted Thompson, a local businessman, and postmaster Elmer Ives. Mr. Ives had received about 40 Valentines from people requesting they be mailed from Loveland, Colorado with the Loveland postmark as it would be a unique romantic touch. The two men talked it over and presented it to the Chamber of Commerce as a marketing opportunity to promote Loveland. The re-mailing program was promoted locally by the Loveland Reporter Herald and word was sent out nationally by the wire services. The Loveland Valentine Re-Mailing Program was born.

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

Valentine Love

The first Loveland cachet was a heart pierced by an arrow with the message, "A Valentine Greeting from Sweetheart Town, Loveland, Colorado". Volunteers hand stamped the cachet on over 300 valentines the first year and each thereafter the number of valentines re-mailed has increased. It is estimated that over 300,000 valentines will be stamped with the 2010 cachet. The cachet is formed by joining the art and a four line verse into one stamp and then it is applied to each envelope by volunteers. The art and verse are submitted each year by local citizens in competition to win the coveted cachet.

The volunteers are mostly senior citizens who look forward to February when the sorting and stamping begins. The valentines are sorted by color: red envelopes require a black cachet and white envelopes are stamped in red. The envelopes are sorted by size and counted. Processing the envelopes can be as high as 55,000 in one day. The envelopes are then taken to the Loveland post office and stamped with the distinctive Loveland cancellation mark created each year. This is truly a labor of love and a source of pride from the volunteers as each envelope is handled approximately 15 times from start to finish.

Senin, 29 April 2013

Wedding Quotes

Your wedding planning is almost over but you have to have a lot of wedding quotes in your hand. You can use these quotes in various things in your wedding especially when you are to give wedding favors for your guests. Generic and popular wedding favors can be personalized by printing wedding quotes on them and signing your names, the date and venue of your wedding below. You can also have your own quotable speech marks. You can be humorous, dramatic or whatever style you prefer as long as you are communicating clearly and that you are touching the hearts of those who can read it.

When you have chosen a theme from the movies, the best way to present your wedding quotes is to say the memorable and sweet lines from the movie. There are also a lot of wedding quotes available from the internet where you can choose the best works that suit your theme or the story of your love. Some are listed below for your convenience.

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding Quotes

Wedding quotes are very useful for encouragement for your bride or groom and for your guests as well. When you have chosen to print a humorous one, at least you can have your guest smile not only because they have enjoyed the ceremony and reception but they are entertained with their favors.

When you do not want to adopt quotes from other persons, you can always make your own. Bring out the creativity in you and say whatever you heart wants to tell to your partner or to your guests. You could be the next romantic writer and write one of the most celebrated love quotes like : Passionate Shepherd of His Love - by Christopher Marlowe. All you need to do is to listen to your heart and pen your wedding quotes that touches the heart.

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.

The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply.

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

Kahlil Gibran Quotes

It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations.

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.