No, we're not talking about a few scraps of paper with dead president's pictures on them to 'buy' passion; this is a 'higher' purpose topic. We're going to use some pieces of paper to incite and invite a bit of passion and romance in your life in only 5 days.
As a successful life coach I'm going to call myself an 'expert' on this one and call your attention to some startling statistics: 67% of first marriages end in divorce over a 40 year period. Half of these divorces happen in the first 7 years. That means that many of these marriages stood a chance if they could have managed to keep their love alive. You can't plant a garden and come back in three months expecting a full and bountiful crop so don't do the same to your marriage. Invest a few scraps of paper in a more passionate relationship.
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Sweet Love Quotes |
Let's start with 5 colorful scraps of paper, torn or cut into small greeting card or gift card sizes. Using your best handwriting copy a quote below onto the paper (or type into a blank document on your computer to print, cut and paste later).
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